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Hints of 'time before Big Bang'

"A team of physicists has claimed that our view of the early Universe may contain the signature of a time before the Big Bang."

Category: Space


Plan for quake 'warning system'

"Nasa scientists have said they could be on the verge of a breakthrough in their efforts to forecast earthquakes."


Mobile phones expose human habits

"The whereabouts of more than 100,000 mobile phone users have been tracked in an attempt to build a comprehensive picture of human movements."

Category: Communications


It's lean and mean, but is it green? EU plans clampdown on car ads

It's a staple of the glossy magazine: the eye-catching spread selling the latest Chelsea tractor or high-performance German road machine. But the luxury car advert looks likely to become much less attractive under green...


How UK fights remote control war

Out of the blistering desert sun emerges the Reaper, the latest in unmanned aerial vehicles. Sweeping in over the mountains with its distinctive profile, it is piloted remotely. But just how remotely is a surprise.

Category: Weapons, Robotics

Displaying results 2146 to 2150 out of 2977